If you need legal aid, you can use it free of charge. You must make an appointment to see a lawyer:
- by calling 95 7355 909,
- by sending an e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
- by the site ,
- at the Social Affairs Department of the City Hall at ul. Teatralna 26 in room 7.
What do you need to prepare?
- an identity document: such as an ID card, passport, or any other document that proves your identity;
- documents related to your problem: if you have any at all. They are not obligatory. Or, you can simply tell the solicitor, advisor or mediator about your problem. If you have documents, remember about them!
IMPORTANT! Legal advice is provided by Polish lawyers. If you do not speak Polish, bring a translator to your appointment (the office has a list of translators who provide free translation assistance).