We operate in Lubuskie with our partners from the USA

We operate in Lubuskie with our partners from the USA

We operate in Lubuskie with our partners from the USA
The American IRC foundation has been operating since 1930 and provides humanitarian aid in 40 countries around the world, and recently also in Poland.
It is a great honor for us that we can be partners of such a large organization, the more so that a significant part of the preparation of the refugee support process for Gorzów Wielkopolski and Zielona Góra was and is on our shoulders.

For us, these are the next very important experiences of working with another American organization.
And in private, it is an incredible satisfaction that we are still able to help so many families.
🇺🇦 International aid can reach smaller cities in Poland thanks to cooperation with local organizations like ours, which are closest to people and know local needs and needy.

Thank you IRC for your trust.

We would like to thank the authorities of Gorzów and Zielona Góra, the municipal and provincial library in Gorzów, and MOPS Zielona Gora - for their kindness and openness to cooperation with our foundation and our partners.

And above all, we would like to thank the members of our team and the IRC team because they are the ones who carry out the most important daily work with people.
👉👉👉We finished the project in Gorzów, now we are starting in Zielona Góra.

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