Children's Day in Gorzów 2022

Children's Day in Gorzów 2022

Children's Day in Gorzów 2022

Yesterday CHILDREN'S ENERGY from Gorzów
I think it was visible from space! Otherwise we cannot imagine our Integrative Children's Day
600 children from Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan!
30 animators, over 50 kilos of sweets, 500 balloons! It was a real fairy-tale world of children in Gorzów Wielkopolski
WE THANK the children for their emotions and joy! You gave us power for the whole year!

DZIĘKUJEMY naszym wolontariuszom Nadia Homa Юлия Лавандовая Антонина Петренко , Aliona Panina , Kristina Bahrii , Oksana Kitsilinska , Галюся Огерук, Катерина Гречанюк , Катерина Чернишенко, Маргарита Ванюшкина , Марина Галь, Оксана Полтавченко, @Ольга Ольга, Татьяна Жданова, Татьяна Лещенко, Юлия Твердохлеб, Delevina Aleksandra, Inna Antoniadi, Lena Tkalya, Nadya Molotkowska, Natali Natali, Nataliia Volna, Olga Stryuchkova, Denys Energy, Ievgen Lukianov, Taras Kitsilinski. You are the best! Thanks to you, the children had a real party
WE THANK our girls from Ukraine for sponsoring necessary and important things for great fun
WE THANK all parents for the sweets
THANK YOU Natasza Kurałowicz, 3rd grade student of Primary School Adam Mickiewicz in Kłodawa for made mascots for our youngest
THANK YOU Anna Zielińska-Stecyna and her daughter for the fantastic workshop that Śmiechojogi
THANK Gosia Witkowska for the humor and joy of a real clown
WE THANK our partner, the Lubuskie Museum, for his hospitality and kindness
THANK YOU to our partner Fundacja Muszka and Urszula Niemirowska for their support in organizing this fantastic event
THANK YOU to the City Hall and Marta Liberkowska for cooperation and funding 500 balloons for our children
THANK YOU TrulyLife for a great photo wall!
THANK YOU Beauty Bar и Евгения Бакаленко for a set of face paints
THANK YOU International Debate Center Gorzów Wielkopolski for fun competitions for children
THANK YOU Romani Dance team for a nice colorful atmosphere
THANK YOU @ Fire Department for great attractions for children
Foundation for Integration and Development of Foreigners in Poland
Lubusz Women's Center in Emigration